Sunday, May 19, 2013

Whitewater Rafting 2013

Boy Scout whitewater rafting trip

We just got back from a very fun and wet time of whitewater rafting on the Kaweah River. The water was low and it was a different experience than in previous years but still very fun, wet and wild. There were 17 of us in all, on three boats, lots of water fights, getting stuck in the surf, and getting stuck on rocks.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Bike Ride to Cambria

Last Saturday the Troop went on a afternoon bike ride from highway 46 to Cambria on the very scenic but twisty Santa Rosa Creek Road. It was amazingly beautiful with wild flowers, green hills and happy cows. Some riders even saw a bobcat during the ride. The boys were rewarded with a pizza parlor as our final destination A special thanks to our Scout Master, Mr. Monson for driving the sag wagon instead of riding.